Saturday, March 9, 2013

Computerization of land records

उत्तर-प्रदेश में जमीन का कम्पूटराइजेशन-आंकड़े व हकीकत
    उत्तर-प्रदेश में जमीन के सम्बन्ध में कानूनों का मकडजाल है.इनकी ब्याख्या जब अफसर करते है तो स्थिति और उलझती है. नोटिफिकेशन की ब्याख्या से आये दिन यह सिद्ध होता है कि बनाने वाला,उसको लागू करने वाला,तथा प्रभावित ब्यक्ति भिन्न-भिन्न ब्याख्या करते हैं.एक ही नोटिफिकेशन की उप-सचिव,विशेष सचिव,सचिव,प्रमुख सचिव तथा मुख्य सचिव भिन्न-भिन्न अर्थ निकालते हैं. भिन्न-भिन्न अर्थ करने को  न्याय का सर्व मान्य  सिद्धांत बताते हैं कि ५ जजों की बेंच में ४ जज की एक ब्याख्या,तथा १ जज की अलग ब्याख्या रहती है.जब कि सर्व बिदित है कि यहाँ मुख्य सचिव का मत,अर्थ,ब्याख्या वीटो का प्रभाव रखता है. प्रशासक के अहंकारी ब्यक्तित्व और कृतित्व कम्पूटराइजेशन की दशा व दिशा दोनों की दुर्गति कर रहें है. इन अफसरों में एक भय ब्याप्त है कि अगर सब कम्पूटर ही करने लगेगा तो फिर हमें कौन पूछेगा. अगर इसमें रोड़ा अटकाना  या सहीं ढंग से नहीं चलने देना है,तो अनेक बहाने हैं .कमेटी ,अध्ययन दल,मीटिंग,कार्यशाला,इत्यादि तो है ही,सबसे अंत में वित्त-बिभाग का हैमर है जो इसको धन की कमी  का हौव्वा खडा कर नहीं चलने देगा.

यह निम्न रिपोर्ट से भी सिद्ध होता है.

Report of the Committee on State Agerian Relations and the Unfinished task in land Reforms –DoLR—
Findings indicate that about 7,50,000 acres of land has been transferred for mining and another 250,000 acres for industrial purposes during last 2 decades [Center for Science and Environment].  There have been regular reports of extensive displacement of poor peasantry under SEZs.  Widespread conversion of agriculture land for non-agricultural purposes is being observed throughout the country. The major drivers of such rampant conversion are decreasing incentives from agriculture, increasing pressure of industrialization and urbanization, and changing aspirations of the people.
:१२----Thus, it is very important that every State clearly demarcates land to be used for different purposes. Revitalization of Land Reforms Council at the Centre and Land Policy Boards for every State is an urgent need to more toward clear land use policy. In fact, it would be really worthwhile to have a Standing Land Commission for every State in the country.
16.1 Schedule-I of the EIA notification, 2006 issued by the MoEF under item 7-C covers industrial estate/parks/complexes/areas/Export Promotion Zones/ Special Tourism Zones/ Biotech Parks/ Leather Complexes. The above categories continue to be exempted from the requirement of a public consultation even in the new notification. That needs to be brought under urgent amendment in concerned laws and policies.
16.2 Scrap Special Economic Zone Act (2005) under purviews of environmental and ecological concerns.  Single window clearance feature makes the Approval Committee at the State level under the District Collector responsible for approval of all SEZ units and even compliance to conditions of approval if any are to be mentioned by the Assistant Collector. There is no mention of the role of the Pollution Control Board. There is no mention of Coastal Regulation related provisions in the SEZ Act and rules. However, the amendment to the CRZ Notification 1991, have allowed for SEZs to be located in ecologically sensitive coastal areas and ‘no development zones’ that need to be brought under strict regulatory authority adequately represented by project affected community and local representatives.
16.5 All medium to large-scale transfer of land from agricultural to non-agricultural use should be subject to an environmental protection clause, and its strict implementation.
16.6 There should be a regulatory authority at district level for monitoring the land, forest and water issues emerged after set up of mining, industry and/or any development projects.
 16.7           There should be fast track courts for settling of the grievances registered during EIA public hearing.
 17.4 The Collector should be divested of his direct court and revenue functions as he is too busy with other works and should just exercise supervisory functions
7.7    Computerisation of land records should be completed in a specified timeframe.  Land data should include comprehensive information about the parcel of land such as Khata and Khesra numbers, registration details, possession, land type, land use, productivity, tenancy, etc.
 1.1.1          The Government of India constituted in January, 2008, a National Council for Land Reforms comprising eminent people drawn from different walks of life and with the Prime Minister as the Chairman.  Simultaneously, a Committee on State Agrarian Relations and the Unfinished Task in Land Reforms was also constituted. The Committee was divided into seven sub-groups and each focused on an important dimension of land reforms.                     Diversion of Forest Lands
4.3.1 What alarms the Committee most is that approximately 4.3 million forest lands has been diverted to non-forestry use (1952-1976). Till 1976 forests was in the State list and the State Governments were responsible for the management of forests. In 1976 the Government of India issued guidelines providing for mandatory consultation in respect of diversion of more than 10 hectares of land. It is indeed alarming to note that during this period up to 2008, 7.76 MH of land have been diverted out of the forest corpus. Total 55 per cent of this diversion has taken place after 2001. In Chattishgarh the diversion is for many purposes, but mining being one of the important ones. In Chattishgarh, 1.71 Lakh hectares were diverted (1980-2003) of which 67.22 per cent was for mining
The Colonial Nature of the Land Management system which persists needs to be drastically changed.
6.1    Modernization of Land Management
6.1.1 The Committee starts by taking cognizance of the failure of the reformist land agenda as detailed by other Committees to arrive at the conclusion that all distortions in land relations are the product of our antiquated Land Management System. The Land Records comprise the base of the Management System. A weak base would not permit any firm superstructure. The records-of-rights in India reflect — (i) ownership rights, (ii) homestead rights, (iii) right of vested land assignees (patta right), (iv) dakhalkar right, (v) share croppers’ right, (vi) lease right, (vii) hold over right, (viii) right regarding forcible possession, (ix) permissive possession right. The first 6 rights are regulated by various State enactments, whereas the seventh is a phenomenon of the Transfer of Property Act and last two rights are regulated by the Indian Limitation Act. More importantly land records and cadastral maps show easement right for roads/paths, irrigation, bathing and other domestic work, sports and games, worshipping in the temples/mosques, burning ghat/grave yard, tending cattle, etc. In the Permanently Settled Areas the records were updated with every new settlement. However, after Independence the records have fallen into arrears and do not reflect the ground realities with the consequence that they are no longer custodians of peoples’ right but rather an instrument of their exploitation.  The Committee feels that there must grow a national consensus for maintenance of Land Records followed by application of resources.
6.2           Diversity in Record System

6.2.1 The Committee takes a note of diversities in the Land Record System. P S Appu Committee on Revitalization of Land Revenue Administration had suggested a standardized record format, which has not been adopted at the national level. The Committee also notes the increasing pressure on Land Management as the competing demands multiply. 
 जमीन का क़ानून बनाना राज्य का बिषय है.संविधान की ७वीं  अनुसूची की सूची २ क्र० स० ४५  
  १९८७-८८ से यह महत्वाकांक्षी योजना शुरू की गयी.इसका नामकरण हुआ- SRA & ULR अर्थात Strengthening of Revenue Administration and Updating of Land Records.२००८-०९ में २१-०८-०८  दोनों को एक करके नाम दिया गया- NLRMP National Land Records Management Programme.कमेटी ,अध्ययन दल,मीटिंग,कार्यशाला,इत्यादि का दौर चलता रहा.जनवरी २०१० में अध्ययन दल आस्ट्रेलिया गया. An official delegation from the Department of Land Resources (DoLR), Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India, led by Mrs. Rita Sinha, Secretary, DoLR, visited Australia from 10th to 15th January, 2010.  members of the delegation were Dr. A.K. Singh, Director, DoLR and Dr. Preetam B. Yashvant, Settlement Commissioner, Government of Rajasthan.  The delegation visited New South Wales and Queensland to study the property titling system as it operates in Australia.उल्लेखनीय है कि DoLR को भारत सरकार ने इस कार्य हेतु  नोडल एजेंसी बनाया है.
   ५ दिन में जिस तरह  का अध्ययन व रिपोर्ट बननी  थी ,वह बनाकर पेश कर दी गयी.उस रिपोर्ट से जाहिर हुआ कि जब तक एक सर्वमान्य आंकड़ा सुनिश्चित नहीं होगा तब तक कम्पूटराइजेशन का काम ठीक नहीं होगा,तथा इसमें लैण्ड रजिस्ट्री बिभाग को भी जोड़ना होगा. सतत उच्चीकरण हेतु यह आवश्यक है.सर्वमान्य आंकड़ा हेतु जनगणना बिभाग के आकडे लिए गए,जो कि चुनाव आयोग द्वारा प्रयोग में लाये जा रहे थे.
  फिर शुरू हुआ कमेटी ,अध्ययन दल,मीटिंग,कार्यशाला,इत्यादि का दौर. यह मैं नहीं कह रहा हूँ -
 Computerisation of Land Records
August, 2012/Bhardrapada, 1934 (Saka)
में यह कहा गया है.
इस रिपोर्ट में यह भी लिखा है कि लगभग १००० करोड़ खर्च करने के बाद भी कम्पूटराइजेशन का काम ठीक नहीं है.केवल राजस्व बिभाग को मजबूत करने का काम किया गया है .

हर दिन यहां (रजिस्ट्री दफ्तर )से सरकारी खजाने में लाखों का राजस्व जाता है। फिर भी एक साल से यहां नया कम्प्यूटर नहीं लग सका। बाबा आदम के जमाने के कम्प्यूटरों के कारण हर दिन यहां आने वालों को परेशानियों का सामना करना पड़ता है। लेकिन कम्प्यूटर सालों  साल तक डिब्बों में बंद रहे। पिछले दिनों इन कम्प्यूटरों को लगाने की कार्रवाई शुरू हुई। कम्प्यूटर डिब्बों से निकाल कर लगा दिये गये। नया सर्वर भी आ गया, लेकिन अब साफ्टवेयर नहीं मिल रहा है। जानकार बताते हैं कि एनआईसी की टीम साफ्टवेयर के लिए दिल्ली गई हुई है। विशेषज्ञों ने पुराने सभी कम्प्यूटरों को कंडम करार दिया है। अधिकारियों की स्थिति ढाक के तीन पात वाली हो गई है उन्हें इस बात का संतोष दिलाया जा रहा है कि  कम्प्यूटर पर तेजी से काम होगा। विशेषज्ञ बताते हैं कि कम्प्यूटर इतने पुराने हो चले हैं कि अब इनका पार्ट- पुर्जा भी बाजार में नहीं मिलता है। ऐसे में इनका अब कोई इस्तेमाल नहीं हो सकता है। नये सर्वर पर पुराने कम्प्यूटर चलेंगे भी नहीं। अब अधिकारियों के पास इन कंडम कम्प्यूटरों को केवल देखने व मैनुअल काम करने  के अतिरिक्त कोई उपाय नहीं रह गया है।

   आंकड़े और हकीकत के नमूने के तौर पर ३ निम्न उदाहरण हैं.मुझे पूर्ण  आशा है कि अपनी क्षमता के बल पर कम्पूटराइजेशन का कार्य अवश्य पूरा होगा.


E-ticketing site books around 48% of the total reserved tickets.

 “The initial two hours of tatkal booking, from 10am to noon, bears the maximum rush and the system books around 40,000 tickets per hour during this period. This is likely to go up to 60,000 to 63,000 tickets per hour,” said a senior IRCTC official.

Railway minister Pawan Bansal has also announced a revamping of the IRCTC website by increasing the booking rate to 7,200 tickets per minute from 2,000 tickets per minute. He also declared that the site would be able to handle 1.2 lakh users at any point of time as compared to its existing capacity of 40,000 users.

“This is expected to be ready by the year-end. IRCTC has already started working on this augmentation and is investing a large sum of money to install future generation hardware and develop improved software,” said the official

Woman can finally get apartment after municipal authority takes 22 years to get her name right

A goof-up by the Delhi Development Authority in spelling the woman's name in a letter led to cancellation of the flat allotted to her in 1991.
What's in a name? 
Ask 53-year-old Hony Monga, who almost lost her way in the labyrinthine corridors of the Delhi Development Authority (DDA) fighting to get possession of the flat her parents had gifted her for her wedding decades ago.
LIG flat was booked in her name by her parents in 1979.

Upon repeated requests, she was informed that her file went missing from 1996. 
Through the RTI, Monga was informed that a flat in Rohini's Sector-15 had been allotted to her in 1991 but in the allotment letter, her name was wrongly mentioned as Jony Monga instead of Hony Monga and hence the letter was not delivered to her. 

What worsened matters was by this time, Monga had married and changed her name to Madhu Arora

Monga will now finally be able to get her dream home, after 22 years, following the Delhi High Court's intervention.
Justice Reva Khetrapal pulled up the agency for its blunder.
Rape convict who jumped bail arrested by Kerala police after seven years hiding under false identity-

A probationary officer at theState Bank of Travancore (SBT) for nine months,  an absconding convict Bitti Mohanty  had assumed a fake identity as Ragav Raj from Andhra Pradesh.
Bitti Mohanty, son of a former director general of police of Orissa, was arrested by the Kerala Police on Friday night, nearly seven years after he jumped parole while serving a prison term for raping a German woman in Rajasthan. 

Before that he was in Andhra Pradesh after coming out of a Rajasthan prison on parole in 2006

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